How to Hang Art?

Hanging artwork is something we all love doing, but it can also be a daunting task. There are so many different materials to choose from, and some require special tools or techniques. Here are some tips to make hanging artwork easier.

1. Choose a Wall Space

Before you buy anything, decide where you want to put it. Is it going to go on the wall of a room, or maybe above a fireplace? Do you have space for a large piece, or just a small one? Think about the size of the frame before buying anything else.

2. Consider Framing Options

You may think that framing is only necessary when you’re selling your artwork, but it’s actually a great way to protect your investment. When choosing frames, look for ones made out of wood, metal, glass, or acrylic. Each material has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, acrylic is lightweight and inexpensive, but it scratches easily. Wood is heavy and durable, but it requires proper care. Metal is strong and sturdy, but it’s expensive. Glass is light and shatterproof, but it doesn’t last very long.

3. Decide How Much Maintenance You Want

Some frames come with protective coatings that prevent dust and dirt from getting inside. Others don’t. Before you purchase a frame, ask yourself if you’d like to invest in a coating.

4. Measure Carefully

It’s best to measure your artwork first, rather than measuring the frame after you’ve hung it. This ensures that everything fits together properly.

5. Use Hangers Wisely

Don’t overuse hangers. They’re meant to hold things up, not support them. Avoid using too many hangers, especially if you’ll be moving the artwork around frequently.

6. Don’t Forget About Lightbulbs

Lightbulbs aren’t usually included in the price of a frame, but they play a big part in making sure your artwork stays safe and secure. Be sure to consider the type of bulbs you plan to use. Some are energy efficient, others are not.

7. Clean Regularly

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